Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling Constitution
November 2021
Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling Association is the official title of the organization and this Constitution document. Through this Constitution, the acronym “NSAWA” will be used to designate the Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling Association. This title may be changed only by a majority vote of NSAWA members at an annual The AGM meeting.
The NSAWA symbol is two arms in a locked in position in front of the ship Bluenose and lighthouse on rocks with blue water between the ship and rocks. Also, water below the adjoined hands. A yellow setting sun will be in the background. The words Nova Scotia will be to the right of the Bluenose and above the lighthouse. The inside of the Nova Scotia flag with the yellow shield and red Scottish rampart lion and red frame will be centred in front of the arms. It will be approximately the same width as the conjoined hands and its height to halfway through the forearms of the conjoined hands. A red banner, the width of the conjoined arms will sit below the shield and arms and follow the curvature of the arms.
3.1 The NSAWA is composed of an Executive Committee and a Board of Directors.
3.2 The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and 3 Directors at large. Other positions may be added or removed with a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
3.3 The Board of Directors shall include the Executive committee, and the Club representatives.
3.4 Members of the club will select their club representative. Only NSAWA members 19yrs of age and older that are in good standing of the NSAWA may choose their club representative.
3.5 The club representative will represent the club members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Each representative will get one vote for each NSAWA member in good standing that is nineteen years of age or older. Every club representative must meet criteria as set forth by NSAWA.
3.6 ALL members of the NSAWA are expected to abide by the CAWF Code of Ethics and are pressed to utilize the Ethics Advisory Committee as a means to resolve issues. If they are unable to resolve such issues on their own, by following the policy and procedures of the CAWF Code of Ethics. (See article 17 & 23 of the Canadian Armwrestling Federation)
1. The business purpose of the NSAWA is to advocate on behalf of its athletes, oversee organization, promotion and refereeing of the sport of armwrestling in Nova Scotia.
2. Setting out guidelines, such as issuing, setting, and modifying rules for both stand-up and sit-down styles of armwrestling to be used nationally.
3. Establishing a method of funding for the NSAWA and affiliated its Clubs.
4. Maintaining a close contact with the Canadian Armwrestling Federation (CAWF).
5. To support and enforce the Code of Ethics guidelines and the Ethics Advisory Committee that maintain the authority to investigate various issues as outlined in the Code of Ethics.
5.1. NSAWA is a non-profit organization. The Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee members, are volunteers elected or appointed to and serve the NSAWA. They do not receive a salary, nor will they profit financially from carrying out their duties as NSAWA members. In retrospect, it is also expected that they will not bear personal costs for operating NSAWA business from day to day.
5.2. NSAWA is an inclusive organization (NSAWA believes in equity within its mandate serving a diverse group of athletes.) As an example, decisions will not be based on religious, political, sexual orientation, ability or racial backgrounds. Blatant discrimination will not be tolerated in the NSAWA organization and as enforced by the E.A.C. (Please refer to the Code of Ethics policy)
5.3. NSAWA may be associated with any organization that will ethically benefit armwrestling.
5.4. NSAWA headquarters will be where the NSAWA membership deems it to be the most practical (by vote) and based on good business sense. (Including the holder of its virtual location if applicable)
5.5. Any dispute in interpretation of the constitution statutes and bylaws will be handled by the Executive Committee. Clarification will be presented to the NSAWA Board members to be ratified and documented; a letter of understanding will then form part of the constitution. Suggested changes specific the E.A.C, and the nomination of its members etc. must be dealt with through the E.A.C Chairs & the sitting Executive member for consideration.
6.1. The official language of NSAWA is English. All publications, correspondence, reports, scoring, refereeing, dispute resolutions, and the AGM proceedings will be in English.
6.2. English is the working language of the NSAWA; AGM meetings of Executive Committee and Committees should be carried out in English.
7.1. The NSAWA Annual General meeting will take place annually after the Labour Day weekend. If the AGM cannot be held at the in person, then it will be held via electronic means:
7.2. The approval/review of the reports of the President, Vice-President(s), Secretary/Treasurer, and any sub-committees.
7.3. The filling/VOTING of any existing vacancies on the NSAWA Executive Committee,
7.4. Modification of statutes, bylaws and rules for the NSAWA.
7.5. New business presented by affiliated members or organizations.
7.6. Review of accounts.
7.7. Before the start of the AGM, the NSAWA Secretary/ Treasurer will request the credentials of all the delegates to log an accurate roll-call.
7.8. Clubs will be represented at the AGM by the elected officials or official designates of their Armwrestling clubs. Representatives should be prepared to show in writing, proof of their designation from their club, and provided to the Secretary/Treasurer
7.9. The attendance to the AGM by the NSAWA President and Secretary/Treasurer or their proper designates is compulsory.
7.10. Any items to be included in the AGM agenda must reach the Secretary/Treasurer’s office at least 2 months (60 days) prior to the date set for the AGM.
7.11. The AGM will only pass items that have been accepted by a majority vote.
7.12. Voting will be a simple show of hands, or other electronic means, on “for” or “against”, unless more than 50% of the membership asks for a ballot vote. Voting outside of the AGM may be done by email or other electronic means in special circumstances. Voting for NSAWA Executive members is done by secret ballot.
8. Only representatives from the clubs present, and in good standing, at the AGM can vote. Transfer of “votes” by proxy to representatives of other clubs is not allowed.
9. The AGM sessions are private. Observers and special guests can attend providing arrangement has been made with the Executive Committee. They will be observers only and cannot enter debate or vote.
10. The President or his proper designate will chair the AGM meeting, following normal parliamentary procedure such as Robert’s Rule.
11. Quorum will be formed with 50% of members represented by club representatives, in good standing.
12. The AGM will meet no less than once a year after the Labour Day weekend and before the calendar year end..
13. Minutes of the AGM meetings will be recorded and distributed at the earliest convenience of the Secretary/Treasurer and posted to the NSAWA website.
Executive Committee
8.1. The property of business of the Corporation shall be managed by the Executive Committee, comprised of the President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and 3 members at large.
8.2 Executive members at large must belong to a registered club.
8.3 Only 1 member at large per club.
8.4. Directors shall honor a term of 4 years minimally.
8.5. Directors shall sit on the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee members are therefore Directors.
8.6. The office/duty of Director shall be automatically vacated:
a. If at a special meeting of members or at the AGM, a resolution is passed by 50% of the members present at the meeting that they be removed from office.
b. If a Director has resigned their office by delivering a written resignation to the Secretary/Treasurer.
c. If they are found by a court to be of unsound mind.
b. d. On death.
c. e. Because of a serious incident contrary to the NSAWA Code of Ethics or pending the outcome of a serious matter upon which a provisional suspension may be issued until the matter is resolved or outcome known.
8.7. Provided that if any vacancy shall occur for any reason in this paragraph contained, the Board of Directors, by majority vote may, or by appointment, will fill the vacancy with a member of NSAWA.
8.8. The Directors shall serve as such without remuneration and no Director shall directly or indirectly receive any profit from their position as such; provided that a Director may be paid reasonable expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to preclude any Director from serving NSAWA as an Officer or in any other capacity and receiving compensation, therefore.
8.9. The Executive Committee of the NSAWA may administer the affairs of NSAWA in all things and make or cause to be made for NSAWA, in its name, any kind of contract which NSAWA may lawfully enter into and save as hereinafter provided, generally, may exercise all such other powers and do all such other acts and things as NSAWA is by its Charter or otherwise authorized to exercise and do.
8.10. The Executive Committee shall have the power to authorize expenditures on behalf of NSAWA from time to time and may delegate by resolution to an Officer or Officers of NSAWA the right to employ and pay salaries to employees.
8.11. The Executive Committee shall take such steps as they may deem requisite to enable NSAWA to acquire, accept, solicit, or receive legacies, gifts, grants, settlements, bequests, endowments and donations of any kind whatsoever for the purpose of furthering the objectives of NSAWA and the sport of Armwrestling.
8.12. To borrow money upon the credit of NSAWA, from any bank, corporation, firm or person, upon such terms, covenants and conditions at such times, in such sums, to such an extent and in such manner as the Executive Committee in its discretion may be deemed expedient.
8.13. To limit or increase the amount to be borrowed.
8.14. To issue or caused to be issued bonds, debentures or other securities of NSAWA and to pledge or sell the same for such sums, upon such terms, covenants and conditions and at such prices as may be deemed expedient by the Board of Directors.
8.15. To secure such bonds, debentures or other securities, or any other present or future borrowing or liability of NSAWA, by mortgage, hypothec, charge or pledge of all or any currently owned or subsequently acquired real and personal, movable and immovable, property of NSAWA and the undertaking and rights of the NSAWA, which the Board of Directors may be deemed expedient.
8.16 The Executive Committee may appoint such agents and engage such employees as it shall deem necessary, from time to time, and such persons shall have such authority and shall perform such duties as prescribed by the Executive Committee at the time of such appointment.
8.17. Any member of the Executive Committee who is regularly absent or neglects their duties, unless for valid reasons, can be replaced. This will be decided by an absolute majority vote of the Executive Committee.
8.18. One member of the Executive Committee will always be on any sub- committee.
8.19. Meetings of the Executive Committee are confidential in accordance with the Confidentiality policy of the NSAWA.
8.20. The Executive Committee may meet by other electronic means that permits each Director to communicate with each other, provided that:
a. The Board of Directors has passed a resolution addressing the mechanics of holding such a meeting and dealing specifically with how security issues should be handled, confidentiality, the procedure of establishing quorum and recording votes.
b. Each Director has equal access to the specific means of communication to be used.
c. Each Director has consented, in advance, to meeting by electronic means using the specific means of communication proposed for the meeting.
d. Outcomes of said meetings are logged and shared with the Board of Directors at the AGM or sooner if the situation is plausible.
8.21. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be the Directors that attend the GM or any special meeting called by the Executive. A quorum for the Executive Committee is 3 members. Any meetings of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all or any of the authorities, powers and discretions by or under the By-laws of NSAWA, which shall include the power to manage the affairs of the NSAWA Corporation.
8.22. Every Director of NSAWA and their heirs, executors and administrators and estate and effects, respectively, shall always, from time to time and indemnified and saved harmless out of the funds of NSAWA from and against:
8.23. All costs, charges, expenses which such Director sustains or incurs in or about any action, suit or proceedings which is brought, commenced or prosecuted against them, or in respect of any act, deed, matter of thing whatsoever, made, done or permitted by them in or about the execution of the duties of their office or in respect of any such liability.
a. All other costs, charges, and expenses which they sustain or incurs in or about or in relation to the affairs thereof, except such costs, charges or expenses as are occasioned by their own willful neglect or default.
b. Contracts, documents, or any instruments in writing, requiring the signature of NSAWA, shall be signed by any two Directors and all contracts, documents and instruments in writing so signed shall be binding upon NSAWA without any further authorization or formality. The Directors shall have power from time to time by resolution to appoint an Officer or Officers on behalf of NSAWA to sign specific contracts, documents, and instruments in writing.
8.24. Custody of the corporate seal, if any, shall be with the Secretary/ Treasurer- Treasurer.
8.25. If a Director holds 2 positions (i.e., on the Executive Committee & Board & a sub-committee), they may only have one vote.
9.1. One member of the Executive Committee must chair any sub-committee. The member can be on more than one subcommittee. (Diversity of representation is encouraged however to give everyone a voice)
9.2. Sub-committees will be formed as needed and will be dissolved in The AGM after completing their goal.
9.3. Reports have to be presented annually at The AGM by the sub-committee chairperson or their proper designate.
9.4. Anyone who can contribute to the sub-committees’ goals can be a member. A call-out may be recommended to extend the invitation by the sub-committee members.
9.5. Standing sub-committees will be allowed.
9.6. Sub-committee members (beyond the NSAWA Executive Committee or its Board of Directors) is excluded from voting on NSAWA matters.
10.1. Any person, in good standing with NSAWA can let their name stand for office of NSAWA President. They can be from any part of the Province as long as they possess the ability and the desire to do the job, including, but not limited to: good working knowledge of the organization and its values and be in good standing with the NSAWA Code of Ethics.
10.2. If the NSAWA President holds a position on the Canadian Armwrestling Federation Executive Committee the Vice-President will represent the NSAWA at the Canadian Armwrestling Federation AGM. If the Vice-president is not available, then the Executive will appoint a person to represent the NSAWA. They will choose firstly from the Executive, secondly from the Board of Directors then from the membership at large.
10.3. Names of candidates must reach the office of the Secretary/ Treasurer in writing at least 3 months (90 days) before the date of the annual The AGM in the election year.
10.4. If no candidates are presented to the Secretary/ Treasurer, the Executive Committee will handle this situation. (i.e., share tasks, AS DELEGATED BY THE V.P until someone is voted in)
10.5. With 2022 being starting point, voting will take place every four (4) years for NSAWA Executive Committee. The vote will take place at the start of the AGM and become legally binding at the end of NSAWA AGM.
10.6. All Provincial representatives who sit on the NSAWA Executive Committee are Directors of NSAWA. Election or appointment of a representative to sit on the Executive Committee shall be deemed to be an election or appointment of that representative as a Director of NSAWA.
10.7. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, and 3 Directors at Large. Other positions may be added or removed with a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
10.8. The Board of Directors shall include the Executive committee, Referee-in-Chief and the representatives of the provincial clubs. Only clubs with membership in Good Standing may cast a vote.
11.1. The President will chair the NSAWA annual the AGM. Proper rules of parliamentary debate will be followed.
11.2. In the event of a tie in a vote on a motion, the President will cast the deciding vote. Otherwise, the President will abstain from all other votes.
11.3. The President will help co-ordinate and give direction to the effective hosting of the NSAWA championship.
11.4. It is compulsory for the President to attend the NSAWA Championship unless circumstances will not allow it in which case the designate will attend.
11.5. The President will take part in the opening and closing ceremonies of the NSAWA Championship unless circumstances will not allow it in which case the designate will attend.
11.6. The President will preside on the committee to settle any disputes at a NSAWA Championship.
11.7. The President shall attend meetings with invested organizations that will benefit the sport of armwrestling,
11.8. The President will conduct business within a budget approved by the AGM. A detailed accounting of these expenditures is to be presented to the annual the AGM for approval.
11.9. In the preceding sub-sections, in the event that the President cannot attend or participate in any of the functions of the NSAWA, the Vice-President will be the designated representative. If the Vice-President is also unable to attend a proper designate will be appointed. This appointment has to be in writing and shared with the Executive Committee.
11.10. The President will be privy to information of the Canadian Armwrestling Federation Ethics Advisory Committee when it involves athletes that may have affiliations to the NSAWA and have specifics as it applies to serious offences and restrictions.
11.11. The President is expected to have current knowledge of the Canadian Armwrestling Code of Ethics, and Confidentiality policy, to uphold its intent.
12.1. The Vice-president will help co-ordinate and give direction to the effective hosting of an annual Provincial Championship and the AGM.
12.2. In the event that any systemic issues cannot be resolved at the local level, then the Vice-President will refer the issue to the NSAWA Executive Committee for resolution.
12.3. The Vice-president will be expected to act and speak on behalf of the President when asked.
12.4. The Vice- President may be privy to the annual report of the E.A.C, may have access to specifics as it applies to serious offences and restrictions.
12.5. The Vice- President is expected to have current knowledge of the Code of Ethics, and Confidentiality policy, to uphold its intent.
13.1. The Secretary/ Treasurer will be responsible to gather all information necessary to compile the agenda for the annual NSAWA AGM and distribute the agenda to the membership at least 1 month (30 days) prior to the date of the annual the AGM.
13.2. The Secretary/ Treasurer will be responsible to have the minutes of the annual AGM recorded and distributed to the Executive Committee within 30 days
13.3. The Secretary/ Treasurer will assure that clubs receive a NSAWA the correct number of votes for the AGM.
13.4. The Secretary/ Treasurer will be responsible to take care of the daily business affairs of the NSAWA, such as forwarding NSAWA correspondence to the President and Executive Committee, answering such correspondence as directed by the President or Executive Committee and paying any outstanding invoices.
13.5. It will be the Secretary/Treasurer’s responsibility to conduct daily financial business for NSAWA. It will also be their combined responsibility to present a financial report annually at the AGM or whenever it is required by the Executive Committee.
13.6. The Secretary/ Treasurer will conduct their business within a budget approved by the NSAWA AGM. A detailed accounting of expenditures will be given to the AGM. This will be audited annually.
13.7. In the preceding sub-sections, if the Secretary/ Treasurer cannot attend or participate to his/her duties, a proper designate will be appointed by the President. After the approval of the Executive Committee this appointment must be in writing.
13.8. The Secretary/Treasurer is expected to have current knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Confidentiality policy, to uphold its intent.
14.1. The Referee- In-Chief will be elected by the board of Directors at the AGM.
a. Only CAWF Level III Referees qualify to be a candidate for the Referee-in-Chief position.
14.2. The appointment must be accepted by a majority vote of the membership.
14.3. The Referee-in-Chief must pre-arrange the required qualified referees for all NSAWA competitions.
14.4. The Referee-in-Chief must keep track of the levels of all NSAWA referees.
14.5. The Referee-in-Chief must keep a record of all his/her referees, their training and experience. Valid referee cards must be issued.
14.6. The Referee-in-Chief must arrange for a referee training session whenever needed. This includes the review of the NSAWA Code of Ethics.
14.7. The Referee-in-Chief is responsible to properly interpret the NSAWA Rules and to insure they are carried out in a professional and orderly manner during NSAWA Championship. This includes the Code of Ethics.
14.8. The Referee-in-Chief is responsible to ensure that the proper technical equipment is used at NSAWA Championships.
14.9. Referee-in-Chief is responsible to work within a budget allowed by the NSAWA Executive Committee for the running of programs, travel, and upkeep of the NSAWA Rule book. A detailed accounting of this budget and a report of referee activity is to be presented annually to the NSAWA Executive. The budget will be audited at the NSAWA the AGM.
14.10. The Referee-in-Chief will be responsible to bring forward any rule or technical changes requested by his/her referees and present these to the NSAWA representative for the CAWF AGM. Committee.
14.11. The Referee in Chief may be privy to the annual report of the E.A.C and may have access to specifics as it applies to serious offences and restrictions.
14.12. The Referee in Chief is expected to have current knowledge of the NSAWA Code of Ethics, and Confidentiality policy, to uphold its intent.
Article 15: Directors at Large
15.1. The NSAWA shall have three (3) Directors at Large. They will be considered part of the Executive Committee.
15.2. The Directors at Large shall represent the armwrestlers and be voted on by members of the NSAWA.
15.3. A Director at Large does not represent any geographical area.
15.4. The Directors at Large shall bring concerns to the NSAWA Executive Committee.
15.5. The Directors at Large are expected to have current knowledge of the NSAWA Code of Ethics, and Confidentiality policy, to uphold its intent.
ARTICLE 15: Clubs
15.1. All clubs must have a physical address where they practice on a regular basis. Practice dates and times must be forwarded to the NSAWA Secretary/Treasurer.
15.2. Clubs must accept and comply to all NSAWA Rules, Constitution, and NSAWA Code of Ethics.
15.3. The Club representative to the NSAWA Board of Directors must be a member of their club and a member in good standing of the NSAWA.
15.4. Clubs will select their own representative for the NSAWA AGM.
15.5. Only club members in good standing may participate in selecting the club representative.
15.6. Only members that are 19 years of age or older may participate in selecting the club representative.
15.7 Any member in good standing that is not affiliated with a club will be represented by the club nearest geographically to their home address.
15.8. If a club becomes in-operative or dissolves, NSAWA will assist that club to become active again.
15.9. Clubs will make every effort to have at least 1 person who has taken a referee seminar.
15.10. Disputes within clubs will mediated by a member of the NSAWA Executive Committee.
15.11 No member of the NSAWA Executive Committee may be involved with a dispute where they have an interest in the outcome.
15.12. If a dispute falls within the CAWF Ethics Guidelines, then it will be forwarded to the CAWF Ethics Advisory Committee.
Article 16: Fees
16.1 Fees for Provincial and Atlantic Canadian Championships will be $20. for Adults and $10. for Juniors per class.
16.2 A Junior is a person who will not turn 19 within that calendar year.
16.3. All other competitions will be $10. for Adults and $5. For Juniors per class.
16.4 Membership fees are $20 for Adults and $10 for Juniors.
16.5 In the event of a competition of significant interest to the NSAWA, such as a Nationals or an international competition, entry fee can be adjusted to reflect the size and scope of the event or if another body has a set entry fee for a competition.
17.1. Advertising and sponsorship signage may be displayed to the sides of the venue.
17.2. Any products or services for sale at the Provincial Championships need to be approved by NSAWA Executive Committee.
17.3. All NSAWA Championships will be triple elimination system of scorekeeping and feature both left arm and right arm classes in Senior classes. Youth classes are double elimination. The Board of Directors may add or remove classes if it deems necessary.
17.4. All Atlantic Canadian Championships will be triple elimination system of scorekeeping and feature both left arm and right arm classes. in Senior, Grand Masters and Para-Athletic classes. Youth classes are double elimination. The Board of Directors may add other classes if it deems necessary.
17.5. All weigh-ins will be conducted in a designated space, and with people, upholding the privacy and dignity of respective classes and genders.
17.6. All NSAWA Championships will be conducted using CAWF qualified referees and scorekeepers. No “seeding” is allowed and “luck of the draw” is used for scoresheets/computer brackets. Club members will not be seeded against one another in the first round unless necessary.
17.7. Championships will commence in the following order:
a. The host will come on stage and introduce any dignitaries.
b. The host will give a short speech.
c. The Referee-in-Chief will come on stage introduce himself and the team of referees for that championship.
d. The championship will normally run over 1 day. Exceptions can be made when it is requested by the host committee.
e. A specified area will be secured by the stage for the pullers whose class is being run. The Officials will send these pullers to this specified area.
f. The Awards Ceremony to be held daily after each day of competition will feature a three-tiered podium to present the awards to the athletes. Athletes finishing up to 3rd place will come to the podium. The announcer will start with 3rd place and work down to the 1st place finisher. They will pose momentarily for NSAWA and team pictures.
g. A similar ceremony will take place to recognize the top teams of the championship in all categories.
h. At the conclusion of the awards, the NSAWA President and host will invite the following year’s host to come forward and receive the symbolic exchange of the NSAWA banner to be displayed at next year’s championship. The NSAWA President will then declare the championships officially over.
**NOTE** The NSAWA Code of Ethics applies to all scope of event competitions spanning from; regional, sanctioned, provincial, national to international events.
“Research indicates that sexual harassment and abuse happen in all sports and at all levels, with greater prevalence in elite sports. Research also demonstrates that sexual harassment and abuse, in sport, seriously and negatively impact athletes’ physical and psychological health. They can damage performance and lead to athlete drop-out, physical harm or permanent emotional trauma/mental health issues or conditions. Sexual harassment and abuse are violations of human rights, regardless of (but not limited to) cultural setting, geographic setting, gender, social status, and beliefs; violations that damage both the individual(s) and organizational health.”
“In its role of promoting and protecting the health of the athlete, the NSAWA recognizes the rights of all athletes, including the right to enjoy a safe and supportive sport environment.”
“Everyone in sport shares the responsibility to identify and prevent abuse incidences (of all forms) and to develop a culture of dignity, respect and safety.”
“A healthy sport system that empowers athletes can contribute to the prevention of sexual harassment and abuse inside and outside sport.” (IOC adopts consensus statement on “SEXUAL HARASSMENT & ABUSE IN SPORT”, PR-05-2007)
A) Philosophy – The NSAWA is committed to equality of all persons. It shall be free of any form of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Where incidents of an abusive nature occur, the NSAWA will seek the recommendations of the Canadian Armwrestling Federation Code of Ethics Advisory Committee (E.A.C) to take appropriate action which includes, but is not limited to:
1) Voluntary reconciliation between parties
– learned lesson approach
– Restorative measures (letter of apology or the like)
– Validation of the intent and impact
2) Suspension or limiting of privileges from certain events or other (warning)
3) Provisional suspensions may be given pending the outcome of serious matters. (i.e., criminal charges in violation with the existing NSAWA Code of Ethics
4) Referral to authorities
– Police referral where the criminal code would apply (such as sexual assault, aggravated assault, stalking etc.
B) NSAWA Code of Ethics defines misconduct: as any course of vexatious conduct that is known or ought to be known, to be unwelcome by the recipient(s) meant to ostracize, belittle, “out”, banish, and/or directly/indirectly harm the recipient(s). This may include, but not limited to: verbal slurs, abuse of power, threats or intentional humiliation; innuendo or taunting about a person’s physical appearance, attire, marital status, age, sex, sexuality, religion/beliefs, ethnic, race or national origin, family status/constellation, disability; display of offensive or derogatory pictures, practical jokes which cause embarrassment; unwelcome requests or invitations whether indirect or explicit, intimidation; physical contact such as touching, patting, pinching, punching, leering without consent; physical contact such as physical/sexual assault of any kind; behavior which causes intentional emotional harm such as stalking, and internet bullying.
The NSAWA upholds a ZERO TOLERANCE policy regarding any abuse against minors. Legal authorities will be notified immediately.
Changes to the CAWF Code of Ethics will be automatically bring changes to the NSAWA Code of Ethics. The NSAWA may make changes to the NSAWA Code of Ethics independently of the CAWF if voted by a majority of the NSAWA Board of Directors.
1. The NSAWA will operate a daily bank account to do day to day business. Activity within this account will be reported annually to the NSAWA membership by the General Secretary. Checks will be numbered to be able to cross reference the entries.
2. NSAWA bank accounts will operate in internationally accessible banks. These accounts will be maintained by the President, who will work with a treasurer, mutually agreed upon by the Executive Committee.
3. NSAWA will work within an established budget that will be approved at the AGM. The budget will take into account the financial resources available to NSAWA. Items to be included in the budget will be categorized and addressed by priority.
4. NSAWA accounts are open to scrutiny by any member in good standing. These accounts will be audited annually by a chartered accountant.
1. All legal disputes arising under this Constitution shall, in accordance with its provisions, be subject to an appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne (CAS).
2. The CAS appeal shall be in accordance with the rules of CAS currently in force, provided always that the CAS Panel shall be bound to apply the Articles of this Constitution and the appellant shall file its statement of appeal within sixty days of the date of communication in writing of the decision that is to be appealed.
3. The decision of CAS shall be final and binding on the parties and no right of appeal will lie from the CAS decision. The decision shall have immediate effect and all Members shall take all necessary action to ensure that it is effective.
4. The governing law of any such appeal shall be the law of the country residence of NSAWA and the arbitration shall be conducted in English, unless the parties agree otherwise.
5. All disputes arising under the Rules and Regulations shall be resolved in accordance with their provisions.
Article 21: Rules and Weight Classes
1. The NSAWA will follow rules set forth by the Canadian Armwrestling Federation. The Executive can make allowances for rule changes for various competitions.
2. The Executive may collectively change event rules and or weight classes, to best represent the athlete’s or promoter’s needs.
Article 22: DOPING and use of enhancement drugs beyond Therapeutic Use Exemptions
22.1. The NSAWA will follow the same guidelines as the Canadian Armwrestling Federation.
Article 23: Transgender Athletes Policy
23.1. The NSAWA will follow the same guidelines as the Canadian Armwrestling Federation
ARTICLE 24: Confidentiality
Confidentiality, for the purposes of conducting NSAWA business, specifies that no information about a Code of Ethics investigation, a legal dispute or other sensitive matters will be shared beyond involved parties, the E.A.C and/or the NSAWA Executive, without written consent. Members outside the NSAWA have access to information such as NSAWA AGM minutes as disclosed by the respective organizations.
No information, regarding sensitive matters as detailed above, shall be published on social media or discussed or debated on social media; doing so could lead to legal action and is a breach of the NSAWA Code of Ethics.
All members of the NSAWA Executive Committee will be requested to sign an Oath of Confidentiality.
Safety, privacy, and accountability are everyone’s responsibility.