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NSAWA at ECC - Battle of the Atlantic Heavyweight

Armwrestling at the Extreme Cage Combat Event

Over 4000 people were on hand at Extreme Cage Combat 8 at the Halifax Forum to witness Mark MacPhail from Ben Eoin, Cape Breton defend his Battle of the Atlantic title against Greg Harnish from Hubbards, NS. The armwrestling table was set up in the middle of the ring and Greg and Mark put on a great show. Although this was held during the intermission most of the spectators stayed to watch these two battle it out. Four out of the five matches went into the straps....Greg took the first match then Mark tied it up; Greg went up 2-1 but again Mark came back with a fast hit in match number 4. Then it came down to the last match and Mark got the jump on Greg. Greg held on for a while but stretched out and Mark finished him off.

I had a moment to speak with Wayde Graves from who is very familiar with both Mark and Greg. Wayde stated "I thought that the matches that Greg and Mark had were some of the very best I have ever seen. They went match for match and I had no trouble seeing the intensity of these two men." Wayde also commented that "the ECC event had a good crowd and a great atmosphere and that the Titans did indeed prevail!"

 Armwrestling at the Extreme Cage Combat Event
I spoke with several people after the event and they were very impressed with the show. We also had an armwrestling table set up in the lobby where you first enter the forum and many people tried it out and asked questions concerning armwrestling. Hopefully we will get invited back and this will attract new people to the sport.  Check the Gallery for more pictures! Pictures compliments of Angela Hall

Check out the pictures...



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