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Battle of the Atlantic III - Bedford Place Mall

Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling: Pete and Terrance
The 3rd Battle of the Atlantic Championships took place this past weekend at the Bedford Place Mall. We had 3 of our belts up for grabs on Saturday. Both Lightweight belts and one Heavyweight belt. We also had 4 additional preliminary matches leading up to the the belt matches. Our 1st match in the Lightweight Left hand division put newcomer Pete Campbell-Dartmouth up against our young veteran Terrance Wrigley-Halifax. I wasn't sure what would happen here but I thought Terrance would have the edge in the top roll but Pete would have the edge in a hook. Well...Terrance didn't quite agree with that. Terrance took Pete down all 6 times, some were hooks, some were top rolls and even one went into the straps. Looks like Pete has some work ahead of him if he wants to improve his ranking to get nearer a title shot.

Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling: Jimmy and Darren
The 2nd match of the day was between Darren Taylor-Middleton and Jimmy McGeoghegan-PEI in our Lightweight right hand division. I thought this match could go either way. Jimmy has a wicked top roll and when Darren gets in his new patented hook, hes tough to move out of there. Now I don't totally recall where these matches went but I do know that Jimmy won them all. Most were in the hook and there was one loss by "foul in the losing position". Darren just didn't seem to be able to get into his strongest position and I guess Jimmy wasn't ready to give up his ranking spot just yet! 6 matches to 0 for Jimmy.

Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling: Pete and Terrance
For the 3rd match, in the Middleweight Right Hand class we pitted Rejean Alain, who drove in from NB for this, against Matt Purdy-Malagash. Rejean have shown huge improvements over the last year as has Matt Purdy so this on was any one's guess. Right off the bat Rejean was able to show Matt why his top roll was just so damn good. Rejean was able to gain full hand control and dominate Matt in all aspects even when they crept in to a hook. I thought Matt may have an advantage there but Rejean had very little trouble winning all 6 of these matches.
Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling: Pete and Terrance
Match number 4 took us to our Heavyweight Right Hand class with big Shawn "The Boss" Ross from Middleton taking on Charlie McGeoghegan from PEI. Shawn wanted that #2 ranking position and there wasn't anything Charlie could do to stop him. Now, I'm here to tell you that Charlie is "one strong dude" but Shawn Ross is a freak! They had 6 long matches with Charlie trying to gain any type of control to get the win. Unfortunately for Charlie there was nothing available to him to get even a single win over "The Boss. 6 Matches to 0 for Shawn Ross.

Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling: Pete and Terrance
Our 1st Championship match brought the Lightweight Right hand Champion Artie MacMaster-Truro together with the #1 contender Ed McLellan-Hilden. Ed and Artie work out and train together and have very similar strength areas. Artie was easily able to show Ed where his weakness were and quickly crushed Ed for the first three matches. Then they moved into a hook off the start on the last three matches where Artie again showed his dominance and made it a full 6 matches to 0 win. Artie retained his Lightweight Right hand Belt.

Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling: Pete and Terrance
The 2nd Championship match was a WAR between our Champion Tim Wrigley-Halifax and #1 contender Jimmy McGeoghegan-PEI. These guys are so close it always makes for a wicked match up. The first match between two people can often set the tone and Jimmy was looking to do just that. He grabbed Tim's hand and went over the top for a quick win. Jimmy was looking to do the same on the second match but a slip out, a strap and a turn of a wrist and Tim took Jimmy into his deep hook for the win! The third and fourth match went to Jimmy with that fast top roll and a "foul in the losing position". The fifth and sixth match Tim took on a double foul and a deep hook. So that tied them up with 3 matches each. off we went to overtime with Tim being able to get into that hook and even though it seems to go back and forth a bit Tim was able to take the seventh match and retain his Title! 4-3 for Tim Wrigley.

Nova Scotia Arm Wrestling: Pete and Terrance
The Final Championship belt on the line was the Heavyweight Left handbelt that was around the waist of current Champ Mark MacPhail-Ben Eion. The #1 contender for that belt was Charlie McGeohegan-PEI. Both these guys are former Canadian Champions and are monsters on the table! Mark has bee working on a new setup he has told us and it seems to be working. He flash pinned Charlie with his special "shoulder press" for the first two or three matches. Things slowed down a bit as then went into the hook but the big guy from Cape Breton showed why he had the title in the first place and went on to take a 6 - 0 win over Charlie. 

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